Introduction to the Theory of Python Series

Link with Playlist

Who am I?

I’m Jonathan Gardner, I’ve been programming since I was a child on the Commodore 64 (1984 or so), and learned the Motorola 6502 and the C-64 architecture. Then I taught myself Borland C/C++ in high school (around the early 1990s.) My first job out of college (2000) was at a startup where I used perl, and I quickly became an expert in that. I worked for Amazon from 2003 to 2010, where I did a lot of perl, some Python and some C++, and too much Java. I’ve been programming almost exclusively in Python since then. After Amazon, I tried my hand at a startup, and then worked for several startups, ending up in Apple for the past few years.

I’m now in between jobs as of 2019.

I’m trying to make this a career, so if you can, please support me at Patreon

My History With Python

The first half of my career of 19 years was spent writing perl and Java, and the latter 10 years being paid to write Python.

I was first introduced to Python in May 2000 with that edition of the Linux Journal. I read ESR’s article on using Python to write mailman tools and was entirely impressed. I’ve been programming in Python since then on the side, but from 2010 onwards I’ve almost exclusively been programming in Python.

I have significant experience with perl and Java. I can do C/C++ reasonably well, but I wouldn’t call myself an expert. I’ve taught myself several other languages you’ve probably heard of, and I’ve tried my hand at making some of my own.

Why Python?

  • Python is very flexible. You can program with many paradigms in Python.

  • Perl: TMTOWDI. Python: There should only be one best way to do it.

  • Python is easy to learn and simple. I will cover every single detail of how Python works!

  • We can focus on the WHY rather than the what and the how.

  • Python is very popular.


  • Focus on Python in detail

  • Explore programming paradigms

  • Focus on “Why?”

  • Practical approach to software development


My videos are not entertaining, but they are informative and I expect to engage you as a student.

You will get nothing out of this unless you do the work and practice the skills.

There is no textbook, but you will accumulate ability the same way a snowball accumulates snow as it rolls down a hill.


I need your support. I want to hire people to support the channel so I can focus on making videos and others can take care of the other things.