Concepts in Thermal Physics (Blundell & Blundell)¶
- Introduction
- 1.1 What is a mole
- 1.2 The thermodynamic limit
- 1.3 The ideal gas
- 1.4 Combinatorial problems
- 1.5 Plan of the book
- 2.1 A definition of heat
- 2.2 Heat capacity
- 3.1 Discrete probability distributions
- 3.2 Continuous probability distributions
- 3.3 Linear transformation
- 3.4 Variance
- 3.5 Linear transformation and the variance
- 3.6 Independent variables
- 3.7 Binomial distribution
- 4.1 Thermal equilibrium
- 4.2 Thermometers
- 4.3 The microstates and macrostates
- 4.4 A statistical definition of temperature
- 4.5 Ensembles
- 4.6 Canonical ensemble
- 4.7 Applications of the Boltzmann distribution
- 5.1 The velocity distribution
- 5.2 The speed distribution
- 5.3 Experimental justification
- 6.1 Molecular distributions
- 6.2 The ideal gas law
- 6.3 Dalton’s law
- 7.1 Flux
- 7.2 Effusion
- 8.1 The mean collision time
- 8.2 The collision cross-section
- 8.3 The mean free path
- 9.1 Viscosity
- 9.2 Thermal conductivity
- 9.3 Diffusion
- 9.4 More detailed theory
- 10.1 Derivation of the thermal diffusion equation
- 10.2 The one-dimensional thermal diffusion equation
- 10.3 The steady state
- 10.4 The thermal diffusion equation for a sphere
- 10.5 Newton’s law of cooling
- 10.6 The Prandtl number
- 10.7 Sources of heat
- 10.8 Particle diffusion
- 11.1 Some definitions
- 11.2 The first law of thermodynamics
- 11.3 Heat capacity
- 12.1 Reversibility
- 12.2 Isothermal expansion of an ideal gas
- 12.3 Adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas
- 12.4 Adiabatic atmosphere
- 13.1 The second law of thermodynamics
- 13.2 The Carnot engine
- 13.3 Carnot’s theorem
- 13.4 Equivalence of Clausius’ and Kelvin’s statements
- 13.5 Examples of heat engines
- 13.6 Heat engines running backwards
- 13.7 Clausius’ theorem
- 14.1 Definition of entropy
- 14.2 Irreversible change
- 14.3 The first law revisited
- 14.4 The Joule expansion
- 14.5 The statistical basis for entropy
- 14.6 The entropy of mixing
- 14.7 Maxwell’s demon
- 14.8 Entropy and probability
- 15.1 Information and Shannon entropy
- 15.2 Information and thermodynamics
- 15.3 Data compression
- 15.4 Quantum information
- 15.5 Conditional and joint probabilities
- 15.6 Bayes’ theorem
- 16.1 Internal energy, U
- 16.2 Enthalpy, H
- 16.3 Helmholtz function, F
- 16.4 Gibbs function, G
- 16.5 Constraints
- 16.6 Maxwell’s relations
- 17.1 Elastic rod
- 17.2 Surface tension
- 17.3 Electric and magnetic dipoles
- 17.4 Paramagnetism
- 18.1 Different statements of the third law
- 18.2 Consequences of the third law
- 19.1 Equipartition theorem
- 19.2 Applications
- 19.3 Assumptions made
- 19.4 Brownian motion
- 20.1 Writing down the partition function
- 20.2 Obtaining the functions of state
- 20.3 The big idea
- 20.4 Combining partition functions
- 21.1 Density of states
- 21.2 Quantum concentration
- 21.3 Distinguishability
- 21.4 Functions of state of the ideal gas
- 21.5 Gibbs paradox
- 21.6 Heat capacity of a diatomic gas
- 22.1 A definition of the chemical potential
- 22.2 The meaning of the chemical potential
- 22.3 Grand partition function
- 22.4 Grand potential
- 22.5 Chemical potential as Gibbs function per particle
- 22.6 Many types of particle
- 22.7 Particle number conservation laws
- 22.8 Chemical potential and chemical reactions
- 22.9 Osmosis
- 23.1 The classical thermodynamics of electromagnetic radiation
- 23.2 Spectral energy density
- 23.3 Kirchhoff’s law
- 23.4 Radiation pressure
- 23.5 The statistical mechanics of the photon gas
- 23.6 Black-body distribution
- 23.7 Cosmic microwave background radiation
- 23.8 The Einstein A and B coefficients
- 24.1 The Einstein model
- 24.2 The Debye model
- 24.3 Phonon dispersion
- 25.1 Relativistic dispersion relation for massive particles
- 25.2 The ultrarelativistic gas
- 25.3 Adiabatic expansion of an ultrarelativistic gas
- 26.1 The van der Waals gas
- 26.2 The Dieterici equation
- 26.3 Virial expansion
- 26.4 The law of corresponding states
- 27.1 The Joule expansion
- 27.2 Isothermal expansion
- 27.3 Joule-Kelvin expansion
- 27.4 Liquefaction of gases
- 28.1 Latent heat
- 28.2 Chemical potential and phase changes
- 28.3 The Clausius-Clapeyron equation
- 28.4 Stability and metastability
- 28.5 The Gibbs phase rule
- 28.6 Colligative properties
- 28.7 Classification of phase transitions
- 28.8 The Ising model
- 29.1 Exchange and symmetry
- 29.2 Wave functions of identical particles
- 29.3 The statistics of identical particles
- 30.1 The non-interacting quantum fluid
- 30.2 The Fermi gas
- 30.3 The Bose gas
- 30.4 Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC)
- 31.1 Sound waves under isothermal conditions
- 31.2 Sound waves under adiabatic conditions
- 31.3 Are sound waves in general adiabatic or isothermal
- 31.4 Derivation of the speed of sound within fluids
- 32.1 The Mach number
- 32.2 Structure of shock waves
- 32.3 Shock conservation laws
- 32.4 The Rankine-Hugoniot conditions
- 33.1 Brownian motion
- 33.2 Johnson noise
- 33.3 Fluctuations
- 33.4 Fluctuations and the availability
- 33.5 Linear response
- 33.6 Correlation functions
- 34.1 Entropy production
- 34.2 The kinetic coefficients
- 34.3 Proof of the Onsager reciprocal relations
- 34.4 Thermoelectricity
- 34.5 Time reversal and the arrow of time
- 35.1 Gravitational interaction
- 35.2 Nuclear reactions
- 35.3 Heat transfer
- 36.1 Electron degeneracy pressure
- 36.2 White dwarfs
- 36.3 Neutron stars
- 36.4 Black holes
- 36.5 Accretion
- 36.6 Black holes and entropy
- 36.7 Life, the Universe, and entropy
- 37.1 Solar energy
- 37.2 The temperature profile in the atmosphere
- 37.3 Radiative transfer
- 37.4 The greenhouse effect
- 37.5 Global warming